Thursday, April 15, 2010

Easy Rider

It's Spring and I decided that I will join the gangs of other bicyclers on the Copenhagen bike paths and start riding my brand spankin' new cykel to Danish class...hver dag!

First of all, just writing this sentence gave me butterflies in my stomach because the bikers here are no joke. They are serious, experienced, 'been riding their bike everyday' people since they were like 5 years old. (Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but still. A long time).

It's also been a long time since I've ridden a bike. Now, I would hop on one every now and then during vacations over the years but the last time I seriously used it for a mode of transportation was when I rode my ten-speed to the swimming pool during summer back in high school. Yep, that long ago.

So I'm easing into it. Got the bike, next up is the helmet. That was a promise to the husband and one I'll gladly oblige since my first spin around the lake in our neighborhood was a bit shaky. Almost wiped out trying to jump a curb when I realized I had turned into a bike path...going the wrong way. It was the exact same feeling you have when you turn down a one way street driving a car.

All I have to say is this. Whoever coined the phrase: "It's just like riding a bike" must have always ridden one. Or maybe after a 2nd and 3rd trip I'll get the hang of it and then the point is moot. After all, my helmet's just too cute to waste!


  1. You can't be worse on a bike than me. I am so terrible! I can't stop. I can't remember how to change gears. I rode as a kid and just can't get the hang of it now. Maybe because I am so old that when I was a kid we didn't have speeds or brakes on the handlebars.

    I was just telling Larry tonight that I saw a red Schwinn with a big white S on the seat that has no speeds and it's on sale! (He loves a bargain.) It's the bike I would have wanted when I was a kid. When I didn't know bikes had speeds and cars had automatic transmissions.

  2. Ok, that makes me feel better. I'm not the only one! :) And I think you should totally buy that bike! It matches the Mini!!
