Most everyone that goes to university in Denmark graduates with a Masters degree, so this was a logical decision when it comes to career, coupled with the fact that I have been wanting to go back to school since I started working in the real world.
Intro week was last week and besides feeling really weird talking about my 'husband' while in college, I was impressed with the material we will be absorbing ourselves with over the next two years, and the classmates I will work with on a weekly basis.
Project work is a common method used in the Danish educational system which is very different from the independent study in most American universities so that will be different for me, but in a good way. It's very practical and realistic in terms of preparing you for the real world.
Another bonus is the fact that I have a 'husband' who enjoys learning more than anyone I know, which means he will be available to bounce questions or theories off of regularly. That's one competitive advantage I wouldn't have, had I gone back to school right after my Bachelors.