Monday, August 23, 2010

Seriously Missing Summer

I moved to Denmark a year ago in May. When I arrived it was rainy and cold and I could not under-stand for the life of me how the women could wear sandals and pretend it was summer. June 09 wasn't much better, but we lucked out for our wedding with a little bit of sunshine. By the time we made it back from the States in August we enjoyed a few more weeks of warmth.

This year has been my first official, full summer in Denmark and I knew not to expect the humid highs of the Midwest, but I was anxiously anticipating the day I could actually wear a summer dress. Those days arrived sometime in July, and lasted pretty much exactly one month. It is late August and long gone are those summer dresses.

When you come from the Midwest you live for your summers. The season starts at the Memorial Day holiday (late May) and ends with Labor Day weekend (end of August). Sometimes we're even lucky enough to get a little Indian Summer in September, but either way you can pretty much count on at least three months of nice weather.

Those summer months get you through the long, hard winters. So when you reside in Denmark and live through one of the coldest winters on record in 25 years, you need a little more than one month of summer.

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