Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer is just around the Corner

The Memorial Day weekend in the US, or the last weekend in May always used to mark the beginning of summer to me. School was out, or nearly at the end, (high school that is) and the days were beginning to get hot and humid in the Midwest.

This year marks my third summer without celebrating that holiday and I find myself still adjusting to when summer will begin. The first summer I arrived in DK was actually Memorial Day weekend, but my head was in wedding and moving mode. Last year I was busy preparing for summer school so it slipped right underneath my fingers but this year I found myself consciously aware of its presence, or lack thereof. Probably because I have been counting down the days for school to end.

Thursday, June 16 marks the official end of my first year at CBS, when summer will finally begin for me. We've been blessed with beautiful weather on and off since the week of Easter in April, but my mind and schedule has been far too busy to truly enjoy it. I have been told the first year of your Masters is the hardest at CBS and I hope they are right. Either way, I intend to fully enjoy the few months of summer that are soon to start.

Beginning with visiting a good friend in the South of France this weekend. Then Mom and Dad arrive for two weeks for fun and travels around Europe. Then it's off to the US to see family and friends and before you know it my good friends Lori, Danielle, and Jacquie will be here, and then all of a sudden it is August. Summer is one of those precious times of year when you await its arrival and before you know it, it's gone. The best way to make it last is to soak up every single moment, which I will be reminding myself of every single day.

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