I know I shouldn't be saying goodbye to summer already when it is only mid August, but the summer weather started to fade here in Denmark a month or so ago already. However! I just got back from a week of enjoying the glorious 90+ degree heat (approx 35 Celsius) in the Midwest which gave me the summer boost I needed to prepare for the Fall weather ahead.
So before I bid adieu, I would like to pay a proper tribute to the fantastic summer I have had thus far. This happens to be the last summer I will enjoy as a student and part-time worker before life as a Masters graduate and full-time employee begins again. And I have enjoyed the hell out of it. I have taken trips to 4 different countries and have hosted 1 out of 3 visits by friends and family so far.
We started with a trip to the South of France in June to visit my good friend Marie from Danish class. I can say with full honesty that it was probably one of the best vacations I have ever had. The scenery, the people, the weather were all amazing. When we were flying in and looking at the Riviera landscape I turned to my husband and said "If you lived here, why would you ever leave?" and that initial feeling pretty much sums up the trip.
A few days after we got back Mom and Dad arrived in Denmark for a two week visit in July to be spent in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands and that was pretty incredible as well. To be able to show my parents Europe, and guide them back to the origin of the Timmerman name was an honor I will never forget. Two weeks later I was off to the US to see family and friends and soak up the heatwave of a summer they are having in August and I enjoyed every single second of it.
Now I am preparing for one of my best friends from Chicago to visit and I cannot wait to show her my life in Copenhagen! We plan to walk the city, have picnics in the park, and laugh and talk our way through the past two years. Each time I have visited the US since I moved to DK my time has been shared between friends, my husband, and other obligations, so one-on-one time is a precious commodity that we both look forward to taking advantage of this trip.
Next up is a visit by two additional really good friends who have found a travel companion in each other which makes me very happy and excited for the many ladies nights we will share. I have an entire list of bars and restaurants I have been dying to experience with friends who appreciate good food and wine just as much as me. So, summer is certainly not over yet, but I will be sure to enjoy each and every second that it is still here.