Monday, January 31, 2011

Oral Anxiousness

This past month I experienced an entirely new exam technique while receiving my graduate education in Denmark. Oral exams. After each group project or written paper (which often registers as an exam for that class) you need to defend your chosen topic or technique to an instructor accompanied by a censor for approximately 20 minutes.

Only 5 minutes of that time is you talking and the rest of the time is for Q&A and receipt of your grade based on both the quality of your written paper and oral presentation. This is partly to make sure you have done a portion of the work yourself, and not given a free ride from the other group members. I also believe it is done to encourage discussion of issues which is common in the Danish work environment where everyone's opinion on an issue is considered before a decision is made.

However, it's purpose could also be to prepare graduates for presentations in the future or to be fair to those who are better talkers than writers. Either way, most Danes have had to do this since they were in the 8th grade, but for us North Americans, it is a strange and nerve wracking experience. Especially for people like me who prefer writing. (Shocking). I guess it's time to break out of the shell.

Panic at the thought of doing a thing is a challenge to do it. ~Henry S. Haskins

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