Thursday, July 8, 2010

Back to School

After a year of planning and waiting and insisting that I qualify - I have finally been accepted to a Masters Program at Copenhagen Business School. This was a close call and a battle almost lost because of the differences in my American education but I am happily toting my bags to summer school so I can 'officially' be accepted come Fall.

This means I have to take my nemesis of a class called Accounting and then the subject that is like breathing to me called Marketing. Why Marketing is a requirement completely baffles me, but I knew I was two tiny little nothing points short on the requirements in Accounting. So I am struggling through. Actually the subject matter isn't so bad, it's the time intensive problem solving that sucks the life out of you.

My professors are American, so I get a little taste of home during each lecture and while I still sometimes want to throw my Accounting book into the bin, I channel my good friend in the USA, the CPA, and try to appreciate the language of Accounting.


  1. Classes in English? Lucky! I think I want to go back to school.

    Minh, Kasey and boys visited today. I got to hold them. So cute! James is mini-Minh. Chris looks like Kasey. Except for the eyes! Both are smiley, happy kids.

  2. Everyone has their Masters here, so companies have come to expect/require it. I think once I get into my actual program it will be fun. Now I am taking undergrad classes to meet the requirements and feeling a bit old. :)

    So happy the Minhs are doing well. I'm sure he's a great Dad!
