Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cabin Fever

Right about now I would be booking and/or taking my Mexican vacation if I were gainfully employed and still living in the US. When you are from a part of the country like the Midwest that begins winter in October or November and ends in March or April you need to get that dose of Vitamin D in January or February to keep you going until Spring. So what does one do when the situation has changed from fully to partially employed (on the other side of the world) and I have my nose in the books the other half of the time? Book summer vacation!!

Alas, the picture of Nice, France where we will be spending my first few days of freedom once the Spring semester breaks for Summer vacation in June. Not to mention, our second wedding anniversary which is the icing on the cake, but the ice cream on the side, is the fact that I get to see a good friend I met in Danish class from the South of France, whom I adore.

Next trip for the summer will be with my parents to the Netherlands to trace the family heritage which will be monumental. Particularly since we will be driving through Germany and taking in the countryside along the way. I can hardly wait for July!

Last, but not least, my dear, dear friend Lori Ann will be visiting me in Copenhagen to end the summer on a sweet note. August simply can't get here soon enough!

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