It starts with Store Bededag or General Prayer Day the 4th Friday after Easter. A day that consolidates a bunch of holy days into one big (or store) day of reflection. Also known as a day when a lot of Danes get confirmed.
40 days after Easter there is Kristi Himmelfartsdag or Ascension Day, which typically turns into two days. I have to be honest, anything with 'fart' in the middle of the name is sort of hard to take seriously as a native English speaker.
The Spring holiday bonanza stops 7 weeks after Easter when the Danes celebrate Pinsedag or Whit Sunday, recognized on Monday. To sum up, there are approximately 6 public holidays between May 1st and June 5th, the last being Constitution Day in Denmark.
For a country that has proclaimed themselves as people to not be very religious, they sure have a lot of publicly recognized holidays that are based around church holidays. No judgment, just a reflection. How apropos!
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